Miyerkules, Agosto 9, 2017

Sorry For Being M.I.A.

I've been off the internet due to connection difficulties and I am sorry about that. But I assure you that I will be back with a lot, a lot of stories to post and discuss. Not only the connection but my duties as a college student, I'm in my third year now so my schedule is pretty tied up to interviews, editing of videos, presentations, exams, and quizzes. The works, you know how we roll.

I'll be updating also my blog's "look" so watch out for that. Thank you!

Martes, Hunyo 13, 2017

Novel Update

Happy Independence Day yesterday!

Well, it was a memorable day for me to begin with, not just the holiday itself but also because it became the day that broke the chain of being in a toxic relationship with fellow people who for so long I don't want to hang around with anymore.

But for now, this would not be the topic (as you can see in my "title")

But yesterday, I started writing the first page of my debut. It is just a short, quick draft but it'll be a start. I have to read a lot of books to further more research about my topic so I'm still on the drawing board, I kept vlogging all of it too so I keep track of myself and my work.

I started researching last May 13, 2017, that day I came with the inspiration about the main topic of my book and as I further research, my whole perspective about making the novel was even more "pushed." And it has been officially a month of brainstorming with the internet and a whole pack of books stacked up high and more internet searches.

May God bless me with this novel and please let this be the one whole stick with me till the end. I am a writer who has a lot of "Chapter Ones" in the back of her notebooks, old laptop, this laptop and old pads that never seen the light of the afterlife (being published.)

For a quick tease, it'll be a Science Fiction with six heroines and a time traveling experience will be the fun twist. All hail to and shout out to Samantha Sotto author of Love and Gravity and Before ever After you are. You inspire me to write this!

A Poem that'll say it all
Lang Leav is also an inspiration to all of my original poems.

Lunes, Hunyo 5, 2017

Another Original Work

One of my favorite works. It is all about a man I've been in love with since I was only 15, It sounds dramatic and cheesy but that is what I feel towards him. The catch is he never knew I exist. yes, I'm like a crazy stalker/ fan where my only connection to him was the power of the internet boarded by the ocean; he is a thousand mile away from here where I live, so it sucks.

This is a tribute to him.

Linggo, Mayo 28, 2017

The Terminal (2004) : A Brilliant Movie

I've recently indulged myself with a nice cold bath before watching a nice movie about a guy who just wanted to go to America, listen to jazz, and meet the talented saxophone player. I have, to be honest, it was really depressing to watch Tom Hanks while he runs around, builds his life within the JFK's Airport walls. (He is a really brilliant actor I tell you!) Along the way, for about 9 months he made acquaintances that became friends then eventually became family. They loved him.

Life is all about surprises, you never know what to expect you never now what it might have in its pockets. 

It was a simple, brilliant movie. I was astounded to know that Steven Spielberg directed it (I know, how could I miss that!) Very talented indeed.

I tweeted earlier this one, hope he notices it and even respond if I' lucky:

And for the record (for it is my thing) I've researched about the whole film and guess what...

It is inspired by Mehran Karimi Nasseri, also known by the name Mr. Alfred Mehran, an Iranian refugee who lived in the departure lounge of Terminal One in Charles de Gaulle Airport from 1988 to 2006.

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehran_Karimi_Nasseri#/media/File:MKNasseri.jpg, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Terminal#/media/File:Movie_poster_the_terminal.jpg)

Sabado, Mayo 27, 2017

Writing a Novel

For about a week now, I've been planning on writing a novel. This might not be the first time I've said it to myself (for the record, I keep telling that I would write something since I was only eleven) but for now, I've been researching a lot; from the possibility of a certain plot to the techniques of writing a good ass novel.

I've been reading and writing my own stuff back when I was only in fifth grade, where my only fan is my cousin Kat. She would literally just sit there and ask and ask for the next part of the story that I keep on writing in my head. I remembered once when we're only about ten and eleven, we were in a car coming back home from Cavite to Manila after celebrating the new year. The ride is obviously a long way from home so we decided to entertain ourselves to some Michael Jackson music and a few shared stories (from me) that are basically as the young ones call now "imagines."

The trip from the province to the city was quite enjoyable, I literally have to speed up my whole story just to get to the bottom of it, (Cavite from Manila you say) I did finish telling it to my cousin though. And that night I will always remember how the feeling of some door opening in front of me while I write down another set of stories on a sheet of paper from an old notebook, that this gon' be my purpose. This is it.  I am a freaking genius.

And so I thought...

After quite some time or after five years of failed attempts at writing, it's ghosts was and still is everywhere. From an old laptop's notepad application, from ripped pages from fifth, sixth grade back notebooks, and also from the never ending piles of actual notepads my ability and dream of writing became stagnant. Yes sure, I composed a lot of essays, short stories...but that;s about it.

Not until college...

Writing is crucial to my course, I picked Communications Arts by the way.

Yes, the girl who cannot read once and the girl who could not stand reading picked that course.

Life is full of surprises you know, and you can never tell what it might pull off this time. So keep it flowing.

Now, I began writing poems, started reading other poets' works like Lang Leav, Rupi Kaur & Michael Faudet. I keep on searching for others everywhere; you name it, just so I can fuel up my love for writing, my inspiration to keep going.
Now, I have decided to create the debut (yeah baby, I'm dropping a bomb)

I keep you posted on this topic to my obsession with art, music, and literature.

All I could post now about this debut novel is, it will be a historical, sci-fiction. That's about it. (my two favorite genres by the way)

Biyernes, Mayo 19, 2017

Guns N Roses


That is the right word and probably the most cliche/common/shallow word to use but it is, I am obsessed. It started when for the whole month of April and a half month of May, where there is no internet connection; where I usually spend my whole time (of course) I have saved two music videos from Youtube. Whenever I got bored I listen to a couple of tracks, and to name a few are Aretha Franklin, Donna Summer, BeyoncĂ© (big fan), Earth, Wind & Fire and more iconic artists.

Well for some reason there came one time where I completely recognized the face of Slash and I was like...Oh, he came from this band and then the rest is history. Last week before the connection came back I planned a list to do but when it finally arrived, all I did was a week full of research about the band, the history, and everything.

For know, I still got to research about it because it's been four glorious days of all about Slash, Axl, Izzy, Duff, and Steven; and I am not stopping anytime soon. Been listening, downloading a lot of tracks and this and that...

Hey, I love the subject history and I love rock n roll! Maybe I am really destined to be a journalist but who knows? Maybe I am, maybe I am not.

I keep my book open as I paint with the help from Above.
I keep you posted for more of this, I promise.

And for the record, as I was walking home tonight (school agendas, I promise) I came by the gate of our subdivision and as I pass by the radio from the guard house started an acoustic version of the "Sweet Child of Mine " hehe (I know) *blush

"Coincidence? I Think Not!" *Mr Stu's voice from The Incredibles 

Fun Fact: Even though the track is their number one iconic song, Slash hates it, they only composed it for over five minutes and the "where do we go now" part, where Axl sings, is really a question of where should the song now go. (I am still speechless about this fact)

(credits: tumblr)

Sabado, Mayo 13, 2017

Another One

Well, this is one of the latest poetry that I made. Some needed a lot of revising before I post all of them in this large void we all know as the internet. All of my poetry is based on my feelings, things that have happened to me, things I want to feel someday (like falling in love) and about people who pissed me off in a particular day and also the ones who makes me feel alive and breathing.

This one is about the other half of a relationship where she/he leaves his/her other half for not being in love anymore. That, it is not always the people who leave their technically exes, at fault. Sometimes, unloving someone that had been part of somebody's life is the first step to another adventure, another chapter of finding someone else or someone that fits perfectly, another chance of finding the one.

Date/Time Made: 4/30/2017 - 10:38 PM