Linggo, Marso 12, 2017

Well, let's talk about this 481 pages of "relaxation"
Never in my life, have I cried twice (twice!!) in a single work of literature, art and frustration. The book was so good that I have to stop myself from reading it once or twice; I have to regain my strength and the reality that I have school work to do after. I started reading "Love and Gravity by Samantha Sotto last Saturday evening (March 4, 2017) and I'm at the end part by Monday which was March 6, 2017.
The first time I saw the book was on my facebook account, the National Bookstore facebook page posted the content that the author, Samantha Sotto will be having a book signing event that month (February 11, 2017.) I will tell you that my heart always  skips a beat about this types of events. So after that, I went to my goodreads account (always check the book you're going to read/buy so that you'll know that your money won't go to waste as well as your time.) Anyway, the book got four point three and to that very moment, one clicked on a button and violà the book is now on my TBR (to be read) an additional to my one hundred plus and counting books to be read and I am not ashamed of it.
To give you a brief narrative,  the book was about the genius Isaac Newton and Andrea (which was my second name, that's why I keep on fangirling about it)that had met over a magical, crack on Andrea's room when she was only seven, and every now and then as Andrea plays their song on her cello which apple scented notes floats over the air whenever she do that, they meet, greet and swap letters defying the laws of time like 3 and half centuries was nothing. Talk about your relationship being complicated. Well know it is up to you, who is willing to read and appreciate this peculiar type of story (that really intrigued me to read it) but at the same time, smart and sooooo relaxinggggggg. ;)

Well maybe my newest favorite author? Let say I love her already!

Samantha Sotto the Author
Love and Gravity Cover